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Wojak - All this overthinking and I still make the worst decisions

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in reply to Gone

Most common tend to be "get a clue"/"get lost" tho. Last one from above actually happened to me.

More than once.

In my last job when I got into a position I'd get more exposure and a bit of power to wag around, I see the way most guys and some girls just try something, and somehow get it, is to simply point blank ask a total stranger if they're single (demographic: >95% people with just elementary school at most, so, simple people with simple methods).

One approaches me during rush hour, asks me for a precious minute of my attention, against my better judgement I grant it, I set my brain on overclock to not miss any cues from her or the machinery around, and in tone and behavior it seems like she's going to ask if I'm single, but asks if I'm gay instead. Sure it was polite, the protocol for those was followed almost to the letter, but again, that "simple people" thing, her feedback was that since I'm usually calm, well-mannered and not flirty, then I obviously have no interest in perpetuating the Redfield bloodline.


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