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I'll be honest, assuming there is no pretense in being historically or mythologically accurate I don't mind. I'm not too into the lore(I only played the most recent title, and haven't finished it), but if this character is not supposed to be related or descended from characters with drastically different features or has has control over their appearance I don't see a problem. If they give her a backstory or explanation for her appearance, all the better even. I think I read some rumor about her being part Egyptian, so if that's the route they go then I have no qualms.

That said I heard some people saying the actual mythological character is supposed to be a redhead. If true that actually does annoy me a bit, as there seems to be practice going around replacing traditionally red-headed white characters with black ones for no reason.


TBH "We changed it because we thought it'd be cool" is something I buy from the GoW team. They've never really been ones to bow to societal pressure, and given how great most of the franchise is (4/the reboot was a masterpiece, and I liked 1 and 2 a lot; wasn't a fan of 3 mostly for the imagery) I don't really care what they do as long as it's entertaining. It doesn't annoy me as much as, say, the weird kind of performative racebending on display in turning Johnny Storm (…but not the rest of his family for some reason) black in Fant4stic.

The redhead erasure is annoying but it's just so fuckin' overdone at this point I almost believe it's some kind of industry in-joke.


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