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Soup King
Soup King

Now, you may be wondering:

"How dangerous can bag full of bees be?"

Well, if we look at the numbers, the average bee weighs 0.11 grams and the average bag of holding has a full capacity of 227kg (227,000 grams).

This means we can fit roughly 2,063,636 bees per bag.

The average hive contains around 40,000 bees.

This means if we fire off full hives, we get around 51 Bee Blasts.

We can also destroy the bag to unleash all 2,063,636 bees at once that will immediately attack everyone in their vicinity that the Druid doesn't like and gives everyone else an automatic attack of opportunity.

They get that last part, because no sentient creature is capable of processing the sudden appearance of so many bees that it blots out the sun.

Important Tip!

Make sure you leave a small airhole in the bag, or after a few hours, you will have 2,063,636 dead bees on your hand and no one wants that.

Soup King
Soup King

in reply to Soup King

So if we treat each bee individually, a single Bee Blast with the strength of a single hive can statistically one-shot humanoid creatures of any level.

Unleashing the entire bag in one go could easily wipe out a small town, a goblin warren and, if the dice gods smile upon you, the avatars of gods.

Because of that, I think a more balanced and sensible solution would be to treat them as Force Attacks, with a poison after effect, armour piercing and a penalty to saving throws due to the sentient nature of projectile.

This can then be broken down into four types of attack, with the user deciding how powerful they want it to be by deciding how many bees they want to use.

So a minimum power attack would only use a few hundred bees and would primarily be used against weaker targets, whilst maximum power would utilise a full hives worth of 40,000.

I can't believe I just described a few hundred bees as being "a minor nuisance".

Anyway, the four attack types would be the following, with dmg numbers being for maximum charge.


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