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The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile meme examples depicting two pictures of a black Dodge Challenger car.

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 3 days ago

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Sakshi Rakshale • about a month ago

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in reply to Russian Guy

Well imagine if some place like Saint Petersburg got sick of Putin's bullshit and with the help of Finnish soldiers declared unilateral independence. I'm quite sure your or any other goverment would just let them go to be happy on the other side, it's only the evil ukrainians who care about such stupid bullshit like territorial integrity.

And well, some people in Ukraine may have rehabilitated Bandera, idk, but thinking it justifies leveling whole cities to the ground is downright insane. If this was about protecting people in donbass, you wouldn't have razed whole mariupol jfc.It's your government who's now acting like a fascist state. Or no, not fascist, fascism is only when it uses established historic symbols, otherwise it's just sparkling totalitarian militaristic chauvinism.

Soup King
Soup King

in reply to Soup King


A lot of the time, your arguments descend into "We're not Russian, so we can't possibly understand", but that's just a logical fallacy when we have access to all the information as you do.

It's not like your people are rare either. I work with a Russian, the neighbours of my best friend are Russian, there's a Russian family that runs a nice little Café in town.

They're not getting shit from anyone.

I don't know how much IRL experience you have with foreigners, but we're not zealous fanatics calling out for blood, despite what the media makes you think.

Mostly, we're just kind of bemused since your army and military industrial complex has literally done everything wrong on every conceivable level.

That's not hyperbole, that's just fact.

Looking through the information on all the available sources leads me to believe that whoever is running this operation has never conducted a military operation before.

Which is just baffling as Valery Gerasimov is a competent general by all accounts and either he's not actually in charge, despite what is stated officially, or no one is following any of the plans he sets down, which is equally concerning.


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