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The Escapist - Critical Miss - Erin’s Razor (October 23, 2015)

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What is funny is that this is not even a joke.

I forgot the exact video by now, but I once watched a video by an ex journalist (from Kotaku or IGN, I forgot which one) and, without a binding contract, she spilled all the beans about gaming journalism and indeed, a lot of its faults and flaws come from the simple fact that they do not care. They get paid per hour/per article and the only requirement is for the work to be game-related. Little to no quality assessment goes into it – think of it like doing homework, but the teacher does not actually check if it is well done or not, just that you made it and looks neat enough on paper.

That is why you find so many game reviews by reviewers who outright admit that they played half or less of the game they played. That is all they need to play to get some half-baked review or article going to present to their boss. That really is all there is to it.


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