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Hex Maniac - Your last burger will never be this good πŸ”

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in reply to SardonicRainboom

I was under the impression those springs are just for building structural strength's sake (you don't really want an one ton box of metal falling at terminal speed to hydraulic press/bunker buster through your foundation), but it would probably be even worse for whoever still inside the box, it being even more useless than "jumping before impact".

Also when I learned those were a thing I heard these got some flak because the springs themselves and the pylons/columns sustaining them are now an impalement hazard for whoever falls in the pit, a survivable and treatable fall now has a 50% chance in getting you impaled.


Decided to look up a bit and this has shed some light on these, though they don't explain the springs (I suppose it is a cheaper version of a proper hydraulic piston), and they are there in fact to improve survivability. Sure it ain't gonna be smooth or safe because if you hit these literally every other failsafe failed so you're gonna failhard this but like people who survived extreme drops, yeah you can do this and that to improve your odds (like lying flat in an elevator, or accepting your legs will be gone in other kinds of fall) but boy bite the pillow because it's coming in dry.


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