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LGBTQ+ Pride Month - I'm sure the 30 people being secretly smuggled to a pride parade were going to do NOTHING ILLEGAL

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in reply to Lord DIO

… The fact that they successfully stopped a truck full of people from causing a riot at a pride parade?

Like, they were wearing far right militia patches and were smuggling themselves covertly to a pride parade. It feels like the cops actually did their job here for once.

And if its about the distance from the parade, in order to actually hit them with charges for attempting to start a riot, they had to arrest them close enough to the parade to have evidence that they were actually planning on doing that and not "just passing by"


Hey if these guys really are a bunch of far right extremists where's the guns? where's the obese red neck with the confederate flag tattoo? where are the MAGA hat's?

A bunch of Identically dressed men in good health all packed into the same vehicle with shields and 1 smoke grenade?!

Patriot Front glows so hard you could see them from orbit.


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