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(meanwhile, at wise headquarters)

Surveillance guy: Guys, at this rate, at this rate, Twilights not gonna make it. He's going full on fatherhood.

Handler: By God, we can't lose an asset like this! Call extraction!

Extract team (Led by Frankie): We're over the area of operations! Visual on Forger residence!

(Drops in on the forgers having dinner. Flips table, breaks vase, just drops in gunablazing from the roof. Somehow manage to restrain Yor long enough to Puts Loid in a hood and fly him out)

Frankie: Twilight! Can you hear me! We got an extraction team as fast as possible!

Loid: Extraction? Can you put me under first? (Goofy, father laugh. His sweater grows elbow patches. Thick rimmed glasses appear on his face. His pants and belt moves up closer to his belly, which has grown a slight beer gut) Just don't tell Yor I said-

Frankie: What. Did. She. Do to you!

Loid: Oh, her? Just be the love of my life and my daughter's mother! Why, li'l Anya's taken to her like Pink to Pork!

(WISE Extraction team, standing aghast and in sorrow at the transformation)

Frankie: (holding back tears) I [sniffs] understand.


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