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Happyroadkill - its a bit reductive to say the democrats are just reading poems to a burning building, they’re also ...

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Red Shocktrooper
Red Shocktrooper

If you're anti-abortion but not pro-public school, public healthcare, maternity leave, school lunches and breakfasts, quality public housing, and making sure a hypothetical single mom could actually afford to care for a child without having to spend every waking hour working, you don't actually care about the kid.

You just want to tell poor people "lol, sucks to suck"

pinkiespy - goat spy
pinkiespy - goat spy

in reply to A Concerned Rifleman

I believe it's more of the hypocrisy of the cops, who (see: the entire year of 2020) fucking love to escalate to violence for little to no reason clutching pears at a big fucking deal happening.

Let's take DC: every time liberals make a squeak there's black helicopters, machine guns on national monuments, and swat teams stealing privately owned bibles (you guys remember that right, that wasn't a fever dream was it?). The right wing shows up with known nazi influences and everyone had the day off and it's a miracle the vice president didn't get lynched.


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