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Good thing it was just the prototype
Uploaded by Sum Lu Zer Feb 22, 2023 at 09:33AM EST
donkey kong country 3 dixie kong kiddy kong fish light bright prototype overcompensating game boy advance gba port comparison supper mario broth
Origin Entry: Donkey Kong
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File size: 479 KB
In Donkey Kong Country, if a Kong throws a DK Barrel, but the level is exited before it hits the ground, then the next time that Kong is hit by an enemy, instead of dying, he will simply freeze in place with a shocked expression forever.
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At the beginning of the Tracker Barrel Trek level in DKC3, there is a precise spot where switching from Dixie to Kiddy will cause him to fall through the ground and die. The ground is otherwise solid; it is only that specific action that is lethal.
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The prototype version of Donkey Kong 64 had highly exaggerated animations for Chunky Kong that were toned down in the final game. During his punching animation, his fist would briefly grow to roughly the size of his body.
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