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Knuckles: "Since we're all gonna die, there is one more secret I feel I have to share with you. I did not care for Sonic Adventure 2."
Rouge: "What?"
Knuckles: "I did not care for Sonic Adventure 2."
Shadow: "How can you even say that?"
Knuckles: "I didn't like it."
Rouge: "But it's so good, it's like the perfect game!"
Knuckles: "This is what everyone says, whenever I say it's-"
Shadow: "Escape from the City, I am the Eggman… LIVE AND LEARN!"
Knuckles: "Fine music. Did not like the game."
Sonic: "Why not?"
Knuckles: "Couldn't get into it."
Rouge: "Explain yourself, what didn't you like about it?"
Knuckles: "It insists on those collect-athon levels, Rouge."
Rouge: "What?"
Knuckles: "It insists on those emerald-shards-."
Rouge: "What does that even mean?"
Shadow: "That's just how you play your own levels, of course it's insistent!"


in reply to Crowley

Knuckles: "It takes forever to find the shards, you can only detect them one at a time… I didn't even finish the space level with the meteorites."
Tails: "How can you say you don't like it if you've never even given it a chance?"
Rouge: "I agree with Tails, it's not really fair."
Knuckles: "I have tried on three separate occasions to get through it, and I get to that part where I'm hunting for Emeralds in low-gravity."
Rouge: "Yeah, it's a great level, I love the 1v1 fight at the end."
Knuckles: "I have no idea what those clue-terminals are talking about, it's like they're speaking a difference language. That's where I lose interest."
Rouge: "The language they're speaking is supposed to be a clue for you to decipher, something you don't understand."
Knuckles: "I love Sonic Unleashed. That is my answer to that statement."
Rouge: "Exactly."
Knuckles: "Well there you go."
Rouge: "Whatever."
Shadow: "I liked that game too."


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