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Hololive - Excuse me, what? 😳 This unarchived karaoke was something else...

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Edgar Weebling
Edgar Weebling

in reply to Quiet_boi

The 70s are very underrated, and this is probably due to the fact that they are sandwiched between two extremely talked-about eras, the 60s and 80s. And yes, the 2000s most definitely kick ass and this is totally not based on the fact that that was the era I spent my early life in.


in reply to Edgar Weebling

Frankly music-wise what holds a lot of the 2000s back was the fact that it experienced the peak of the loudness wars, where mastered songs and albums were compressed to hell prior to release because every label was aggressively competing against each other as to who sounded "louder" through the radio and thus would grab more people's attention, this to the detriment of the music itself where things would end up sounding stiffer and muddier than stuff released in previous decades because most of the nuances ended up getting lost from the excessive audible squishing.
…Here's to waiting for a proper remaster of SOAD's Toxicity


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