Within 7 minutes the kid lost an arm | /r/dndmemes
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Nov 26, 2024 at 01:00PM EST
Origin Entry: Dungeons and Dragons
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File size: 194 KB
All I'm saying is that everyone's reaction was pretty weird and it looks like other D&D editions let you do some pretty cool stuff | /r/dndmemes
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The DM's dilemma - tanking seems to be the only role that players just kind of hope the DM plays along instead of taking abilities that make enemies attack them instead of allies | /r/dndmemes
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if you have to ignore some rules to make a game good then the game is not good | /r/dndmemes
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Dungeons and Dragons - Within 7 minutes the kid lost an arm | /r/dndmemes
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