I got a new image. | /r/grimdank
Uploaded by Reddit Moments Mar 02, 2025 at 09:21PM EST
r/grimdank warhammer 40000 warhammer 40k reddit grim dank warhammer memes 40k meme games workshop
Origin Entry: Warhammer 40,000
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File size: 348 KB
Buff Kroot with double blades spining around like Taz is much cooler then a katana ngl. | /r/grimdank
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For the love of God, let other factions’ plots move forward and not pull a C.S. Goto | /r/grimdank
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List your favourite examples of old lore people aren't aware is no longer csnon | /r/grimdank
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Welcome new recruit to the Ordo Hereticus! Pitch us your wildest takes on why Chaos can’t be real, the department for obscurantism needs new ideas | /r/grimdank
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