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Studio Ghibli AI Generator image example depicting disaster girl.

Studio Ghibli AI Generator

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • a day ago

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile meme examples depicting two pictures of a black Dodge Challenger car.

The Ghost of The Goon / Goonmobile

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 6 days ago

Ashton Hall Morning Routine meme and viral video image examples.

Ashton Hall's Morning Routine

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • 5 days ago

Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals image and meme examples.

Italian Brainrot / AI Italian Animals

Mateus Lima

Mateus Lima • 8 days ago

Tralalero Tralala meme example.

Tralalero Tralala

Sakshi Rakshale

Sakshi Rakshale • about a month ago

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…I'll never understand why some people don't get that sometimes people ship things just because they like the characters and like the relationship, not because they think it's canon or even want it to be?

Also, I don't understand how 'making a fanart of a fake screenshot of John and Karkat kissing' constitutes forcing the ship or anything. It's. It's just a fanart, mate.

Also don't understand how shippers get stereotyped as SERIOUS BUSINESS NO FUN when the antishippers are the ones going around to cute fanart that people clearly put effort into just to complain about how they don't like shippers because…….IDK, they don't like a ship, so they don't think anyone should ship it? Or anything non-canon? Or anything?

Clearly we are all a little bit confused today!!


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