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Tyler Bowman
Tyler Bowman

"Once upon a time, when he walked in his room, ready to go to bed that night, but upon entering he sees a Purple unicorn in his bed, the pony had no idea where she was, and was scarred to the point she only found comfort in a bed, and this was the first one she saw. The man took upon himself to put herself to sleep, doing whatever he could just to calm her down. But reading a book that miraculously appeared with her travels, he picked it up, and started to read it. Listening to the words that was spoken from the man, gave the imagination that she was back where she belonged, and soon enough, her eyelids started to lower, and finally after a few minutes, She was as-sound a sleep. After the reading that has been done, still amazed something like this came out of nowhere, he decided to go downstairs and lay down on the couch, he pondered there for many minutes, but he slowly as she did, he started to slow his pondering till it was no more. When he awoken the next night, she was gone, No sign of her existence was shown in the room. Whether or not it was his Imagination, he found comfort that she maybe back where she was, and he felt that her presence, was something truly something remarkable. The end."


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