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Image #382,333
Uploaded by ri Aug 23, 2012 at 12:38AM EDT
slowpoke seaking metapod diglett squirtle articuno snorlax pikachu ekans jigglypuff geodude magikarp gyarados rattata charmander blastoise sandshrew arcanine dewgong vulpix machop machoke jynx porygon clefairy gastly psyduck farfetch'd dragonite dratini tentacool staryu starmie mewtwo charizard charmeleon jolteon vaporeon flareon eevee machamp koffing meowth kabuto bulbasaur mew dodrio pidgey abra caterpie butterfree weedle kakuna beedrill persian rapidash krabby ponyta raichu doduo scyther nidorina zubat hitmonchan weepinbell magneton golbat drowzee venusaur golem mr mime exeggutor pinsir ditto ninetales omastar gloom magnemite wartortle oddish onix dugtrio paras gengar haunter electrode rhydon ivysaur omanyte kabutops slowbro sandslash seel arbok parasect primeape spearow voltorb poliwrath cubone tauros hypno moltres muk grimer mankey tentacruel pidgeotto aerodactyl hitmonlee electabuzz dragonair lapras clefable cloyster chansey goldeen lickitung weezing marowak nidoking seadra kingler venonat venomoth magmar kangaskhan alakazam exeggcute rhyhorn nidoqueen golduck bellsprout horsea poliwag raticate wigglytuff growlithe poliwhirl vileplume kadabra shellder victreebel pidgeot nidorino zapdos graveler nidoran♀ tangela nidoran♂ fearow
Origin Entry: Pokémon
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