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all of these are from the episode 1+1=ed. in the episode the eds want to observe how the world works so they can become rich successful scientists, but after inspecting things too closely they see the fabric of reality rip apart before their very eyes and see the sick twisted world of the artists imaginations. at the end of the episode we learn that the eds were in some sort of trance like state the whole time and the world is back to it's normal self. if you wanted to show the insane cartoon antics of the series you should have shown basically any episode AFTER this one. ya see ed is the only one who remembers what happened when they were in the other world and is unable to grasp the concept that the world is not what it appeared to be while witnessing the other world. so for the rest of the series ed does downright impossible things and doesn't question it, ed seems to have gained the ability to tap into this other world they witnessed and do shit like this

or this


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