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Cringe - Also the letters at the bottom of the front spell out "TEARS"

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nope avi
nope avi

I've actually seen this unfold before in real life, about a year ago. I was eating lunch at a Waffle House with my dad, we were seated at the bar stools, and a gentlemen next to us was getting up from his bar stool to pay the bill and leave. I watched as he payed for his meal, and rather than tip the waitress, he handed her a card, I can only assume it was something religious – but no matter what it was, my jaw dropped. I'm a christian myself, but you simply don't do that. Tipping is to show gratitude for the service you received. If you weren't pleased with the service, you leave a small tip, but damn it you leave some monetary amount and not this uppity bullshit.


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