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Consider this, someone wrote this up and thought "If I post this, people will respect us."
What everyone needs to realise is that nothing is exempt from criticism or ridicule; Rule #42, if you may. No matter what you do or say you'll always find opposition somewhere, and its the way you react to said opposition that defines you. Unfortunately its the unorthodox antics of some Bronies, amalgamated with the whiny nature of others, that sets the 'community' up for such oppression. Furthermore, it's a common trait of human nature to generalise one member of a group to be the same as them all, which makes this debacle all the more complex. That's why Bronies cop such negative flack. Anything people can find to be unusual always gets the most berating, and if they insist what they do is normal, as harmless as watching a little girls cartoon may seem, its not helping matters at all. Claiming said show is your 'life' is only fuel to the fire.
So its not about a 'war for acceptance', its simply a matter of finding an equilibrium most people can agree on, removing the need to fight. Yes, the very idea of an adult obsessing over a cartoon is strange, it probably always will be. But if you think its okay to force everyone to accept an ideology, then you're probably a Nazi.


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