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BulletproofBrony, Not Dead Melia
BulletproofBrony, Not Dead Melia

Look, I'm not a fan of Hamas. In fact, so long as the states neighboring Israel are headed by parties like Hamas and Hezbollah who have Islamist government and opposing the recognition of Israel as their platform, I don't believe lasting peace will be possible -- two-state or otherwise.

But it's a more complicated issue than happy-go-lucky image macros can or should address.

And there's a lot of vitriol around this,so I'm ducking out after this comment. To all else, flame wars are easy. Gentlemanly, civil discussions of politics are hard.


in reply to BulletproofBrony, Not Dead Melia

Yep that's about right.

Otherwise, It seems by the MOST part commenters where civil…that could change after I wright this.

To…bring a unpopular point to the table, Hamas where democratically elected and is a sign of frustration with Israel.

I do not and will not go further, But basically from my cool standpoint this is a conflict that gos very far back and there is fault on both sides But one of them tends to be shown favorably.


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