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To people confused on what's going on, here's what I make of the situation so far.

JonTron made a post on twitter about how to Playstation Now was "retarded". When a friend of JonTron said to maybe use another word, JonTron jokingly replied saying, "I'm sorry I forgot you were retarded, my bad" The SJW saw this and swiftly moved in. Psychicpebbles moved in to back JonTron up and a shitstorm ensued. JonTron issued a statement, saying "I don't usually respond to this kind of criticism, but this has gotten so out of hand and always happens when I make some sort of ‘controversial' statement on twitter. To you people who get offended at every turn: Why don't you try focusing your civil unrest at something that dearly needs it, like the fact that today the Israeli air force struck a school with a missile killing 10 people, most of which were children. I suppose you're all ok with that, as long as the missile didn't call the school 'retarded' first, right? My job as a comedian is to make people laugh and feel better about their lives. So no, in the midst of so many other pressing matters in the world, I will not apologize for calling a PS4 retarded. I encourage you to look at yourselves and think about what really matters."


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