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Zoë Quinn - SJW "journalists" aren't just a 'gaming industry' problem...

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Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast
Astatine, Resident Hijab Enthusiast

>queer muslim feminist

I'm all for people being treated equally on the merit of being, you know, human, but I'm confused since I was fairly certain that the Qu'ran, a couple of quotes from the Hadith, and a slew of Islamic scholars (read: 96.8%) condemned anything G, and by extension, L, B, Q and T-- that isn't even to mention that Islam is probably generally more clear on homosexuality than Christianity is and has a lot less debate on the matter, since the former is mainly salvation-by-works-based, any translations and interpretations come from one language instead of a translation, part of which is based on a translation from Hebrew and Aramaic, and they actually have appointed scholars to interpret.

Maybe it's like that whole "Jewish by birth, not by religion" sort of thing.

Never mind that, though. This whole bit reminds me too much of Suey Park. Even though this is pretty much SJW Tumblr in a nutshell. Maybe it's the whole specifically disregarding white males, since Park was the first time I saw that shit.

>huffington post

Well, it's not like she's going to write some article involving white males… right?



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