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- DJ_Saotome asked his boss to release an article about this whole situation.
- His boss freaks out, scared of the backlash from the industry, rejects it.
- DJ_Saotome still wants to release it, he wants to speak about TFYC, he already talked with the PR guy.
- EIC agreed on the condition that if after the release they want blood Saotome takes the blame.
- DJ_Saotome the manly man says he has nothing to lose!
- Greenhorn Somenrider joins the cause.
-They need a well known -SJW that's anti Zoe.
-"TheEspectacularSpiderGirl" name comes up. She's a lesb, canadian dev backed up by twitter and hates nepotism and ciclejerks.
-They need to prove to EIC that /v/ is backing them up. They also need to consult /v/ if they agree with him writting the article.
- They need to find a dev or journo that is part of the current scene that's clean from this scandal.
- They update http://quinnformation.blogspot.com/p/gone-home-no-disclosure.html
- They talk about how Lawfag found info about zoe doing fraudulent activities.
- He reported it to the authorities and contacted NYT.
- He wanted to ask Eron but He didn't respond afraid of getting in trouble for libel.
- Steven_ says that NYT doesn't give a fuck unless you're some PR guy.
- Lawfag gets and answer from NYT, the content is known.


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