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GamerGate - Indicade Juror talking to Anti-GamerGate people

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w+1 ftw
w+1 ftw

"So it seems to me that the core issue in "queering" any aspect of games or computing generally is that the mechanics are based on a programming binary, perhaps the most famous of 0/1, on/off, yes/no, male/female, and so on. Obviously there are ways around this with enough work, but it's a level of reification even beyond that in the non-computed world.?"

"queering aspects of computing"

winton overwat
winton overwat

in reply to TheSilverRaven

Yeah, they usually say problematic.

And there is already a lot of people working on Quantum Computers that would break the binary paradigm (but not because of some pretense of social commentary, but because a non-binary system carries many performance advantages)

However, technology does not work like society, and no amount of propaganda is going to accelerate such a development.


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