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Sir Trollsalot
Sir Trollsalot

Sociopathy? In the Sims? Naah.
My game of The Sims 3 + expansions was getting to point of being broken, all npc sims were turning into vampires while I played. So I made a crazy old man with tophat and black suit, who lives in a shack, belove which there's a GAUNTLET OF DEATH where there's a room filled with carpets and a cheap fire place, only way out of which is through a tunnel of swimming pool.
I invited all the vamps one by one and got them in the room, then closed it until they were too tired to stand. Then I lit the fire place and removed obstacles so they could try to leave. But swimming tired is deadly, so they keep turning back. Meanwhile all the carpets would be set on fire.
The lot had quite a ghost infestation before long.


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