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Video Game Logic - "It REALLY annoys me when games do this. Some older JRPGs are guilty of this"

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Mr. Candles
Mr. Candles

Broke: You cannot use status effects on the bosses
Woke: You have to use status effect on the bosses because otherwise they will fucking murder you

I don't care if it's an absurd little flash game in the eyes of some, Epic Battle Fantasy did that part right


Some of the Final Fantasy games are good about avoiding this…kinda.

Like FF5 has a good number of status effects, and the majority of bosses can be affected by at least one or two of them….except you have no way of knowing which without looking up a guide and your odds of successfully landing them if you do know are usually woefully bad.

FF12 kinda has my favourite variant of this, where in the original you could quite early on get a piece of equipment that reverses the effects of your items, so potions deal damage instead of healing (for example).
That, in combination with the fact the license board lets you improve your Remedy items to remove almost any status effect, and the fact items don't have an accuracy check, means you can throw a remedy at an enemy and instantly inflict them with basically every single status they're not immune to.


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