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GamerGate - "Front Page" New York Times Article on GamerGate

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Hulks Stand is The Hulk
Hulks Stand is The Hulk

I-I'm not quite sure they get it.

We didn't care what their websites said about us, because they were the ones we had a problem with anyway, so now they're trying to shame us with mainstream media like MSNBC, CNN, and TNYT, but they've forgotten something very simple. It's been less than 10 years since gaming became a main-stream subculture, we all still remember the days of "but gaming is bad" from the mainstream and know that their opinions have, and realistically still is, unfounded, sensationalistic, one sided coverage of games, usually though a lack of knowledge of gaming.

Hell even outside of gamergate, when do you hear the mainstream talk about gaming? is it when world championships in LoL are going on? is it when a big AAA title like Smash, resident evil, CoD(ugh), etc. are released? No, it's when some nutjob shoots up a school and they go "is vidya to blame?". we couldn't give 2 shits about what they have to say, and honestly, just as Jack Thompson's agenda died because it conflicted with the majority of consumers, so will the Kotaku/Gamasutra/etc. agenda, no matter how many non-consumers of games say "oh no, it's about muh soggy knees"


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