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GamerGate - Former GameJournoPros member refuses to go full McIntosh

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Fun fact: last semester I wrote a paper on the benefits of video games (using my school's search system – which uses credible, researched papers, documents, etc.) and I found hundreds of papers extolling the benefits of video games (Action games increasing reaction time and hand-eye coordination, RPG and strategy games helping critical thinking, games like Portal helping with physics, and I think a few of them even said video games generally LOWERED aggression or allowed people to vent it through video games). I tried looking up some studies how video games could be detrimental (IE Increased aggression – every single article that had to do with aggression in video games said that no, it does not cause people to want to kill people. Except maybe the developers – that was a joke). I looked for around two hours trying to find some papers documenting the detrimental effects of video games and I found NONE. I eventually gave up trying to find it. This goes two ways:

1) I found hundreds of documents saying that no, that's a load of crap.

2) I only spent TWO HOURS looking for sources, and I'm a college kid. This is supposedly a professional who's supposed to go all the way, spending as much time as possible to make sure his articles and such are as accurate as possible. So … really?


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