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GamerGate - Mercedes Carrera's awesome response to #FullMcIntosh

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I've taken this media class last year during my freshmen year, apparently it's a new thing that's been added which most likely derived form this sort of new social justice.

Pretty much the class revolves around the media and how it can affect our ideologies with its portrayal of sex, race, and class and other things.

Basically, what McIntosh, the LWs, and all the SJWs are talking about.

These portrayals range from the situation a person is portrayed in, such as a woman wearing heels and a dress and a man having big muscles.

So I get what he is saying, but it's stupid.

So what if Symmetra wears a skirt and high heels to battle? Maybe she wants to wear it?

Maybe a man wants to have big muscles and feel good about it?

They believe every little thing could be a symbol of masculinity and femininity.

They want to force their ideals onto society, doing exactly what they say they are against, which is the ideals given by the media.

When I saw Symmetra in the trailer, she seems to be an energy weapon using support class that can make wall turrets and teleporters for her team to use, like a sort of TF2 engineer but without the dispenser and with a few mini sentries that can attach on walls (deer god mini sentries).

I see her as a useful asset to the team, but McIntosh sees her as another bimbo in a skirt.

So tell me, McIntosh, which one of us is actually swindled by the media ideals and portrayals?


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