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1893 Views Created 9 years ago By FizzBuzz3000 • Updated 6 years ago

Created By FizzBuzz3000 • Updated 6 years ago

Unbearable F----- about an hour ago File D: 78c0e5 No.473564 2473587 473624473822 They're acting this way because they've never seriously been challenged. For years SJWs and their affiliates have been the guys that defined very organized harassment. They're all tightly connected and have had a very easy time of just threatening to pull shenanigans and having people bend to their whim. They just assumed they were going to keep doing that, and then here we come, not only challenging them but besting them many times over, and they're right the f--- out of ideas. Screaming? Not working. Slandering? Not working. Using their buddies to try and go after us? Not working. It's like, you ever played Pokemon and just have one favorite one, used it and only it and neglected the rest of your team because what did it matte your main guy was strong enough, but here comes one with resistance to his element and wham- f------ demolished? That's what this is now. Only instead of catching and training another monster, they just keep picking the same fight with the same thing screaming WHY ISN'T THIS F------ WORKING?1?1?1 and getting madder and madder every time it fails AND NOT A THAT DAY
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They just don't want to admit it.

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