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Funny thing, when I was little I liked Charmander a lot.

it was my favorite pokemon out of all the ones in Generation 1 and I was a child.

I only caught pokemon other then Charmander to use Hidden Moves.

I beat the entire game with that one Charmander. That one Charmander who had to be leveled to 20 to pass the first gym because Metal Claw didn't exist yet, when pokemon we 10 or 12 at best. That one charmander who fought all the way through Misty's Water Gym. At times, I was so broke that I couldn't even enter the the 50 cent Museum.

But I won that game. I beat the Elite Four, I beat the MOTHERFUCKER Gary. all with that one Charmander, who became a Level 77 Charizard by the end of the game. It took me half a year.

I learned patience. I learned perseverance. I learned to never give up, I learned to git gud, despite the incredible odds, despite all of the grinding. This is who they are dealing with. This is who we are.


I would say it's mostly like competitive Pokemon, specially in Gen VI. The main game is a piece of cake. Every foe is easy to beat and you only keep getting stronger an stronger and beat every single foe bya landslide.
But then, you have a VGC or singles match online. And you get beaten, destroyed even though you are using the exact same guys you destroyed the single player game with. Except, instead of getting better, raising stronger mons and forming better teams, you just keep using your Sassy, Torrent Greninja and Flame Body Talonflame an expect them to win without even changing their moves.


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