ooooohhh the irony! | GamerGate | Know Your Meme
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2046 Views Created 9 years ago By Generaal • Updated 6 years ago

Created By Generaal • Updated 6 years ago

Graham Linehan @Glinner 2h What percentage of women in gamergate using female anime avatars are actually men? I'll start the bidding at 100% 748 *103 Angela Night @Angelheartnight 2h @Glinner Posting tweets like this while still ignoring the actual women speaking to you, who are supposed to be the man-babies again? Graham Linehan @Glinner 2h @Angelheartnight or they just outright do it themselves わta . Angela Night @Angelheartnight 2h @Glinner A great many GG supporters are women and when you make tweets mocking and deriding GGers you are encouraging harassment of them. t38 *10 Graham Linehan @Glinner 2h @Angelheartnight GG is a misogynistic hate group so good luck trying to make me feel guity about calling them out Angela Night @Angelheartnight 2h @Glinner Then how exactly are you any different? Graham Linehan @Glinner 2h @Angelheartnight I'm different in that I'm not a misogynistic hate group わ£31 Angela Night @Angelheartnight 2h @Glinner You fight against harassment of some women by encouraging harassment against other women, good luck with that logic 10 Graham Linehan @Glinner 2h Angelheartnight I'm because it contains some very stupid and ill-informed womern not going to stop attacking a misogynistic hate group Angela Night Following @Glinner Then you are a harasser of women, it's that simple わta ★ … RETWEETSFAVORITES 2 :21 AM-29 Jan 2015
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