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GamerGate - Ryulong after getting banned for his SJW bias

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And why should you defend the reputation of these people? That was not your job.

Your job was to be objective. Reputation does not matter in this case. The facts will speak for themselves.

The fact of the matter is that your job was to state the facts, simply. What comes to those people because of these facts, will come.

In trying to hide the truth, in censoring it, in editing it to untruth, you have failed at your job. this is the cold, hard fact. A fact that others will not conveniently fail to report.

You, in fact, have still helped destroy the reputation of these shady people you were trying to "protect" by being untruthful. If you had been truthful, you would still have your job. But the fact is, you were not truthful.


in reply to TheLaughingMan

He probably thought that he would earn recognition and approval from the LWs and feminazis in general and probably get laid. Ryulong has a pretty pathetic life from all accounts I heard. Too fucking bad, the irony is that NOT one of them cares about him, they are more iffy that a bunch of other FEMALE feminazis got banned from editing than they are.


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