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From the article:

Quinn’s harassment has been associated with the GamerGate movement, a Twitter hashtag and social campaign defined by most supporters as a call to effect change in video game journalism, and to defend the “gamer” identity.

The movement is difficult to define because what it has come to represent has no central leadership or agreed-upon manifesto. The hashtag was first used by actor Adam Baldwin in August after intimate details of a personal relationship between Quinn and a video game journalist were posted online, leading to widespread allegations of cronyism between press and developers.

GamerGate also has been accused of harassment of women in video games, including Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian and Giant Spacekat head Brianna Wu, though many of GamerGate’s supporters deny the campaign should be blamed.

My god…she’s right! The writer actually attempted to be even-handed and objective. WHAT A MONSTER!

Lenny Guy
Lenny Guy

Anita, what world do you live in? I've been around GamerGate and I generally see talks of corruption and integrity, with targets including many males. Besides, considering what you said and what your side has done I'd say you're projecting a bit.


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