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in reply to Kiwicat

Well that plot point has been spoiled(I’m actually still watching FMA brotherhood), anyway I suppose that could be the case but personally I think this is more likely.

Connie: you know pearl I told you this would happen, but no you just had to try and bring her back.
Pearl: look I’m sorry.
Connie: ‘don’t worry Connie’ you said ‘I can just regenerate’ you said.
Pearl: like I said I’m sorry.
Connie: Now Steven is a suit of armour, I have a automail arm and leg and my parents grounded me for 2 years for trying to bring the dead back to life.
Pearl: Again I’m really really sorry.
Connie: And the worst part is that both shows made it perfectly clear you can’t bring the dead back to live, and that we might now have a rose homunculi running around.
Connie: we should have just watched sailor moon.


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