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Fallout - The Vault keeps people safe from the dangers of the Wasteland.

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Vault-Tec had weirder vaults. For example…

Vault 19: "The vault was segregated into two groups, Red and Blue. The groups lived in separate sections of the vault and the inhabitants may have been chosen due to pre-existing paranoia."

Vault 27: "This vault would be overcrowded deliberately. 2000 people would be assigned to enter, double the total sustainable amount. "

Vault 29: "No one in this vault was over the age of 15 when they entered. Parents were intentionally redirected to other vaults."

Vault 43: "Populated by twenty men, ten women, and one panther. "

Vault 56: "All entertainment tapes were removed except those of one particularly bad comic actor. Sociologists predicted failure before Vault 55. (All entertainment tapes removed.)"

Vault 68: "Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one woman."

Vault 69: "Of the one thousand people who entered, there was only one man."

Vault 92: "Populated largely by renowned musicians, this vault was a test bed for a white noise-based system for implanting combat-oriented posthypnotic suggestions. "

Vault 106: "Psychoactive drugs were released into the air filtration system 10 days after the door was sealed. "


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