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GamerGate - Oliver Campbell Decides Not To Attend SPJ Airplay Following Scheduling Drama

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in reply to Platus

Platus, do you know what passive aggressiveness is?
This is most likely a case of that. he originally had 50 minutes, but they cut him down to 15 last minute.

Oliver had a 50 minute speech and presentation prepared, because if you’ve ever actually done a presentation, it takes about a week to set up at best, in that week you practice it, you rid yourself of speech errors, you work on your delivery and as you rehearse the speech, you time yourself to make sure all the information fits into that timeframe.

not to mention dealing with stage fright, although I’m sure Oliver ironed that out by now.

If you’ve take a Communications class or a Marketing class, you’d see it’s simply not that simple.

Now, SPJ should know this, because oration is a part of their trade.

Cutting somone’s time by that far is an admittance that you don’t want them there and it’s disrespectful. It’s passive aggressiveness.

This isn’t like Anita’s speech cancelings, because she used an excuse outside of the program (fake threats) in order to not attend.

In this case, it’s not some outside “influence” at fault, it’s SPJ itself.

you don’t disrespect someone like that. It’s a huge faux pas to do that to an orator, since speeches just can’t be put out on a whim.


in reply to Platus

So what are you complaining about?
Campbell is just refusing to attend because the time to explain what GamerGate is and how it got there was cut from 50 minutes to 15.

Such a thing is simply crazy, especially if you want to explain to someone not involved (mass media, ppl that never had heard of GG before) how it could come to such a thing and WHY.

In the worst cause such a cut short explaination could lead to: "Oh they are just butthurt because x doesn't do what they want them to do" reactions.


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