795 Views Created November 12, 2015 By Duke Lemur Center • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Duke Lemur Center • Updated March 23, 2023

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Zoboomafoo passes away

Origin Entry: Animals


Source + Details

"A quiet sadness spread over the Duke Lemur Center staff on Monday as news spread that Jovian, a much-loved Coquerel’s sifaka had died of kidney failure at the age of 20.5 years.

"Within the Lemur Center, Jovian was known as an exceptionally capable and caring father, having sired 12 sifakas by two different partners, leading to four grand-babies, with two more on the way.

"Outside the Lemur Center, Jovian was famous as "Zoboomafoo" the leaping, prancing otherworldly star of the PBS KIDS show by the same name, hosted by brothers Martin and Chris Kratt. He was a graceful, long-limbed co-star with cream and russet fur and bright, intelligent yellow eyes and he taught millions of children what a lemur is. The show aired 65 episodes in just over two years, 1999-2001, and continues in syndication."


On Monday, Novermber 10, 2014, Jovian, the lemur star of the popular children's show Zoboomafoo, passed away. We encourage you to share your story of Jovian/Zoboomafoo with us at the Duke Lemur Center's Facebook page, http://facebook.com/dukelemurcenter. Jovian was a special lemur among them all, and we will miss him very much.

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