0 Views Created February 21, 2016 By РУССКОЕ КИНО и новости • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By РУССКОЕ КИНО и новости • Updated March 23, 2023

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On the Maidan in Kiev again restlessly

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In Kiev, at this moment burning fires in metal barrels on Independence Square – Maidan several hundred participants came to hold a meeting on the second anniversary of the deaths of the bullets in the center of the Ukrainian capital. Day activists have already mentioned pogroms.
The second anniversary of the so-called Revolution of dignity in Kiev celebrated with firecrackers and stones in their hands. Without the glasses with the defeated and left office property Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, the room also suffered two subsidiaries of Russian banks: Sberbank and "Alfa-Bank". A criminal case, but none of the protesters not arrested, although many of them did not hide people.
The radicals even before promised that this day will be for the Ukrainian government warning. In the city center they established plaque his fallen comrades. Including Sasha Bilomu, which until recently his antics kept at bay Ukrainian prosecutors and deputies.
Two years later, nationalists, which brought to power the current leaders, and now threaten them. At a recent joint conference of "Right Sector" and the Ukrainian Insurgent Army, prohibited organizations from Russia, President Poroshenko offered to remember to whom he owes, and what may end his reluctance to carry out campaign promises.


В Киеве в эти минуты горят костры в металлических бочках на площади Независимости – несколько сотен участников Майдана пришли митинговать во вторую годовщину гибели людей от пуль в центре украинской столицы. Днём активисты уже отметились погромами. Вторую годовщину так называемой Революции достоинства в Киеве отмечают с камнями и петардами в руках.

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