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Daumenfrosch is a poorly drawn variation of Pepe the Frog.
The character is often portrayed as the antagonist of Apu Apustaja.
On 4chan's /int/ board the meme enjoys growing popularity.
The classic version of Daumenfrosch appeared on 4chan's /pol/ board on the 27th of March 2018[1]and on the /qa/ board two days later[2].
More than a year after that the meme was first re-posted in the /deutsch/ (German) general on the /int/ board of the same website[3] where it enjoys the most popularity by far and where many variations have originated.
Due to the the character's prevalence on /deutsch/ its name is German even though the original creator was American (who never gave it a name however).
Daumenfrosch is popular with various people all over the aforementioned /int/ board on 4chan.
Variations have been created by Slovenian[4], Polish[5], British[6], Brazilian[7] and Taiwanese[8] users of the website.
Notable Images
The classic version of the meme:
A variation that looks like the DBZ character Ginyu:
Daumenfrosch is often used to depict various nationalities, for example Slovenia:
The character has been used for political commentary:
"Daumenfrosch" translates to "frog that looks like a thumb", here is why:
Daumenfrosch as the antagonist of Apu Apustaja:
External References
[1] 4plebs.org β First appearance on /pol/ and in general
[2] desuarchive.org β First appearance on /qa/
[3] desuarchive.org β First appearance on /int/
[4] desuarchive.org β Variation created by a Slovenian
[5] desuarchive.org β Variation created by a Pole
[6] desuarchive.org β Variation created by a Brit
[7] desuarchive.org β Variation created by a Brazilian
[8] desuarchive.org β Variation created by a Taiwanese
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