36 Views Created March 07, 2016 By Scientific Solution • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Scientific Solution • Updated March 23, 2023

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Atheists are smarter refuted

Origin Entry: Atheism


A video refuting the nonsense that atheists are more intelligent than religious people. When examining the statistics, we find that atheists aren't more intelligent, in fact, according to The Psychology of Atheism, many atheists became atheist for motivational reasons rather than rational reasons during their adolescence suggesting a link between emotional thinking and atheism. This seems to be reinforced by the fact that many atheists use emotional arguments to support atheism (i.e "bad things happen in the world ergo god doesn't exist").




Refuting the nonsense that atheists are more intelligent than religious people. When examining the statistics, we find that atheists aren't more intelligent, in fact, according to The Psychology of Atheism, many atheists became atheist for motivational reasons rather than rational reasons during their adolescence suggesting a link between emotional thinking and atheism.

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