0 Views Created September 05, 2016 By Nat. geografic • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Nat. geografic • Updated March 23, 2023

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Do We Need The Moon? - What if Our Moon DIE (Scary Documentary)

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What if Our Moon DIE
In this "The Universe" video documentary, we are going to take you through a journey where you can learn what would happen without the moon and get answer for the query "Do we need the moon?"
By watching this space and universe documentary, you can learn about what would happen with no moon, what would happen without the moon, earth without moon scenario, do we need a moon, etc.

The first thing that came to mind is that it depends on the manner of the moon’s destruction. If it was, say, zapped to bits by a Death Star and those bits still floated in a cluster in the same orbit, I expect they would exert the same gravitational pull on Earth as does the intact moon, and not much would change on Earth.


What if Our Moon DIES In this "The Universe" video documentary, we are going to take you through a journey where you can learn what would happen without the moon and get answer for the query "Do we need the moon?"

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