31 Views Created April 10, 2017 By Double Toasted • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Double Toasted • Updated March 23, 2023

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DONALD TRUMP ATTACKS SYRIA - Double Toasted Podcast Highlight


Published on Apr 10, 2017
DONALD TRUMP ATTACKS SYRIA – Well he's at it again, folks! America is going through a lot of paranoia right now since the US attack on Syria in retaliation to their own chemical attack on themselves as word got out that many innocent Syria people died from gas attacks. The world may be in an uproar and hearing news like this is always bad, but maybe the Double Toasted podcast can bring a perspective and a bit of comedy to lighten the situation. So sit back and relax and enjoy the analysis in this funny video!

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DONALD TRUMP ATTACKS SYRIA – Well he's at it again, folks! America is going through a lot of paranoia right now since the US attack on Syria in retaliation to their own chemical attack on themselves as word got out that many innocent Syria people died from gas attacks.

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