40 Views Created November 19, 2019 By Artisan A.I. • Updated March 23, 2023

Created By Artisan A.I. • Updated March 23, 2023

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Sonichu The Hedgemon (2019) - Sonic trailer, but it was made using MS Paint and Sony Vegas.


Two month old video that predicted "safe-for kids gun" orange cap and how are you not dead meme. "Predicted" unless some of the Sonic's movie crew actually saw it (which is unlikely given that it only had around 1k views at the time when the new trailer got posted).


For context: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvvZaBf9QQI All that is left is to remake the whole movie like that when it comes out. Spoiler: I WON'T. Paypal dono mail for whatever reason: artisanaiofc@gmail.com don'tsendbobsandvagenepicsplease I have internet for that. Sound effects from: https://freesound.org/ Music: Spring In My Step – Silent Partner https://youtu.be/siCmqvfw_1g Also: This video is a parody and has no intent to offend anyone.

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