14 Views • Created April 28, 2023 By Supper Mario Broth • Updated April 28, 2023 Share →
Created By Supper Mario Broth • Updated April 28, 2023
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Punching the Big Goombas actually DOES kill them
In Super Mario 64, punching Big Goombas seemingly does nothing. However, internally, it actually activates their "mark_goomba_as_dead()" function, so they exist in a state where the game considers them already dead. Leaving and coming back will cause them to not respawn. pic.twitter.com/zP1BsbnbG1
— Supper Mario Broth (@MarioBrothBlog) April 28, 2023
Origin Entry:
In Super Mario 64, punching Big Goombas seemingly does nothing. However, internally, it actually activates their "mark_goomba_as_dead()" function, so they exist in a state where the game considers them already dead. Leaving and coming back will cause them to not respawn. pic.twitter.com/zP1BsbnbG1
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