256 Views • Created December 11, 2012 By Barrysun • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By Barrysun • Updated March 23, 2023
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.BS Green ranger mugen 40# Dopefish
The Green ranger takes on one weird character, Dopefish!
Dopefish: He is one very strange fish indeed. he can fly around (ok, not fly but swim around) the stage and this well of wishes stage is the only stage that will fit this character. altho it came with it's own BGMm but the music file didn't seem to work so I had to make do with another one. This fish can bite you. (ether cause damage or 1 hit KO if he gulps you up) and he has many strikers to cause some trouble. the Yellow ranger striker seems to work well against this odd character. something tells me he might find a future in my videos someday…
and for those who have weak stomach might want to turn off your Volume during this video
The Green ranger takes on one weird character, Dopefish! Dopefish: He is one very strange fish indeed. he can fly around (ok, not fly but swim around) the stage and this well of wishes stage is the only stage that will fit this character.
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