1687 Views • Created December 18, 2013 By VICE Japan • Updated March 23, 2023 Share →
Created By VICE Japan • Updated March 23, 2023
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男の娘(オトコノコ)の素顔 - OTOKONOKO
Origin Entry:
Gay Test (Demotivational Posters)
they're all actual guy
They're not gay or queer… then what is OTOKONOKO?! There is a culture that straight boys dressing up like girls in Japan. VICE features the new cross dressing culture of the internet generation. The girl you hit on the other day could be OTOKONOKO!
ゲイでもオカマでもないけど、女装が好き! ノンケ男子が女装する〝男の娘(オトコノコ)〟というジャンルが巷に広がりつつある。キミがナンパしたあの子も、実は男の娘だったりして……??!! They're not gay or queer… then what is OTOKONOKO?! There is a culture that straight boys dressing up like girls in Japan. VICE features the new cross dressing culture of the internet generation. The girl you hit on the other day could be OTOKONOKO!
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