372 Views • Created April 03, 2014 By Ricardo J Dylan • Updated April 03, 2014 Share →
Created By Ricardo J Dylan • Updated April 03, 2014
PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery , or 'r' to view a random image.How I Met Your Mother Alternative Ending
Since this got taken off of YouTube, the guy uploaded it onto Vimeo.
this was on youtube but unfortunely was taken down ,This is my personal cut of the ending of how I met your mother, I believe that this is more like the ending that we deserved and that through all this years have been waiting for, in my mind this is how I will personally remember the end of my favorite show, and if you like me were disappointed in how they wrapped the show up , I may have your back, watch this alternative ending.
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