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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Analysis - Repeated Offences | Beyond Pictures

Origin Entry: Spider-Man


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Published on Jul 21, 2014

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Analysis – #Thwip! | Beyond Pictures

B-Mask's Twitter: https://twitter.com/B_Mask_

Spider-Man is one of the world's most endearing comic book characters -- and perhaps the most mocked superhero movie franchises. From the Sam Raimi trilogy to Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man films, and from Tobey Maguire to Andrew Garfield, B-Mask looks into not why the new movie sucks, but also why the Spider-Man movie franchise just isn't that captivating.

B-Mask, a long-time fan of the famous wallcrawler, takes a critical look not just at Marc Webb's latest The Amazing Spider-Man 2 film, but rather the entire Spider-Man movie franchise as a whole. From the misuse of Spider-Man's love interests and his supporting cast, to the questionable interpretation of some of his most iconic villains, to the outrageous misrepresentation of some of the most pivotal themes and messages of the source material -- B-Mask addresses the numerous issues that have plagued the Spider-Man film series for more than a decade now. All of which, unfortunately, have been often overlooked due to the general audience's desire to see Marvel's webhead on the big screen. At any cost.

P.S. Don't worry Dan Slott. You're safe. For now…

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The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Movie Analysis – #Thwip! | Beyond Pictures B-Mask's Twitter: https://twitter.com/B_Mask_ Spider-Man is one of the world's most endearing comic book characters – and perhaps the most mocked superhero movie franchises.

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