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Part of a series on Oomer Wojaks. [View Related Entries]


Bloomer is a character spread on 4chan which represents a person with a highly optimistic outlook on life and a go-getter attitude, usually in their late 20s. The character is often used in contrast to Doomer as an example of a person who moved past an unhealthy lifestyle and depressed state by learning to love and accept themselves and finding motivation.


On September 21st, 2018, an anonymous 4chan user posted an image of a happy Wojak dressed in a blue hoodie to /pol/ board, titled "The 27 Year Old Bloomer".[1] The image contained several captions describing the character as "having an unbreakable resolve", "seeing the better worlds he wants to build" and "being loved by /ourguys/ and normies alike". In the same thread, an anonymous user posted an edited version of the original image, adding hair to the character's head.[2]

The 27 Year Old (no need for music player unbreakeable resolve or headphones) chews up blackpills, spits out whitepills doesn't smoke, drug-free peak optics, loved by lourguys/ and normies alike nostalgia motivates him a living breathing morale booster for all nearby instead of depressing him looking forward to his waifu and kids, knows he will make it love for his people far exceeds any hatred he has ever felt no problem too big to fix, has an inner well of energy turns down sex offers from women he isn't serious about sees the better world he wants to build superimposed on the dark world around him
The 27 Year Old BEO BLOOMER Never abandons his brothers He accepts his limits, doesn't let them stop him Understands sadness is just an emotion like others and he is happy he can feel them syou can do it anon let it go anon: things are going to get better Unironically believes in heroes wants to be one Knows he will make it, knows we will all make it Doesn't smoke, drugs-free He's the friend he wants to have Isn't afraid to be wrong learns from his errors Sees the better world he wants to build superimposed on the dark world around him Wants to live in the countryside works hard to get there tfw there are no problems, only minor setbacks EIFFeL 65 OR BA DEE


In the following month, the original image, along with other pictures of the character, was circulated on several 4chan boards, including posts in /v/,[3] /bant/,[4] /r9k/[5] and other boards. In several posts, Bloomer ideology has been described as an opposite to "blackpilling".[9]

Anonymous Thu 11 Oct 2018 18:31:26 No.6643060 [2 The 27 Year Old BLOOMER View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>6643061 >>6643062 >>6643064 >>6643065>>6643066 >6643067 >>6643076 >>6643091 >>6643092>>6643093 >6643095 >>6643105 >>6643107 >>6643108 >>6643110 >>6643113 >>66431176643127 >6643130>>6643134 >>66431426643144 >>6643154 >>6643158 >6643168 >>6643171 6643176 >>6643178 >6643184 6643338 6643432 >>6644224 ISIG/ Self-Improvement General >l don't understand these new memes"" edition It's been a while since I saw the last one What are you doing to make yourself and your country better today, anon? Anonymous Thu 11 Oct 2018 18:33:37 No.6643061 Quoted By: >>6643069 >>6643191 Report 95KİB, 1024x1024, 1537522563834.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO >6643060 I feel that i'm not gonna make it.
The 27 Year Old BLoo OMER Anonymous Fri 21 Sep 2018 12:16:03 No.432380886 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >432380969 >432381184 >>432381606 >432381828 >432383498 Once aain, it's 3 am and I'm just getting to sleep because I played video games for 6 hours. I could have worked on the game I started creating. I could have gotten ahead on my Chomework. I could have spent more time with my kids. I could have gotten a full night's sleep and woken up feeling refreshed. I could have went to the gym to stop myself from gaining eight. I could have put together that piece of furniture thats been sitting in the corner of my , still needing to be assembled, for 2 months. I could have spent more time working on my relationship with my wife. I could have been reading some of the books that I only ever got half way through. Starting now, I will do better. I will focus on the life I have and the life I want, instead of wasting my life away, hunched over in my chair. Who's with me? Are you ready to take back 198KiB, 1024x1024, 1537504636785.jpg View Same Google igdb SauceNAOcontrol of your life? Are you ready to break your addiction?
The 27 Year Old BLoOME Anonymous Fri 21 Sep 2018 10:39:03 (8/4/] No.48255568 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: *48256141 48256195 48256869 3*48257535 The weather is perfect outside. I had a cold breeze on the balcony while drinking my morning cup of coffee, then the sun on my skin as I walked to work, and now a sort of gray-ambient-cloudy-warm aura outside the window as I work in the office. I am doing very well, and expect to get promoted when I finish this project ahead of schedule. 198KiB, 1024x1024, bloomer.jpg View Same Google ImgOps idb SauceNAO
The 27 Year Old BLoc Anonymous Fri 21 Sep 2018 14:24:44 No.48257497 (96/19/2] View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >48257529 *48257594 *48257663 *48258130 48258139 48258236 4825826148258271 48258301 48258324 48258544 48258650 48258702 48258890 4825895648259054 48259173 48260340 348260527 348260679 48260868 48260949 48261025 348261053 3>48264377 48264879 >48266410 348267119 >>48267797 I've never seen such a relatable meme before. It's like this was purposefully crafted to fit me. tw 22 year old bloomer 95KB. 1024x1024 1537522563834.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO

In the following months the character, appeared in several popular YouTube videos, both independently and alongside 30-Year-Old Boomer, Zoomer and Doomer. Several notable videos featuring the character were created by YouTube users Shuzzo[6] and Prince of Zimbabwe. (Video broken)[7]


On November 19th, 2018, an anonymous 4chan user posted an image titled "The 24 Year Old Go-Getter",[8] described as a person who moved on from a Doomer way of life.

The 24 Year Old DOoMER GO-GETTER enough is enough takes his health seriously what is done is done there is only forwards open to failure, ready to learn behind of the curve eager for a challenge fear is the enemy A man is the sum of his actions." HAS A PLAN at life's crossroads won't let it go to waste in control of his destiny hones his skills builds discipline

Broken Bloomer

Broken Boomer refers to a version of the Bloomer character which has experienced a large number of hardships and is questioning his resolve for self-improvement.

The exact origin of the Broken Bloomer edit is unknown, but the character is presumed to have originated outside of 4chan. On May 16th, 2019, VK group eternal classic made the earliest known repost of the image (shown below),[10] with the character also being posted on Reddit[11] and Twitter in the following days.[12]

The Broken Bloomer continues being a supporter for his frens has been betrayed so many times has serious trust issues Fakes being happy so he doesn't worry his family/friends had a taste of love and never recOvered has friends but doesn't believe they actually like him O notifications wants to do things, but makes excuses not to is afraid now Has hopes for a brighter future but has a hard time believing it gf constantly cancels plans used to have a proper eating schedule now doesn't know when to eat doesn't understand why people lie he just wants to be surrounded by frens would die for people who couldnt care less "it's no biggie, we can just hang out next hasn't hung out with friends in weeks weekend or whenever you'd like to ) Mins an anime meme nage on fh

Starting on May 24th, 2019, the character appeared in multiple threads on 4chan.[13][14]

Anonymous Sat 25 May 2019 08:52:18 No.463395730 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >463396134 >>463396181 >>463396345>>463396408 >>463396753 >463396847 463396914 The Broken Bloomer c bngo for t b d somare ie ha secus iut s >463396962 >>463397141 >>463397191 >>463397209 >>463397320 >463397335 >4633997681 >>463397703 b ap d wry amly >463397980 >>463398195 >>463398270 >>463398697 >463398712 >463398754 >>463398810 >>4633990886 hast hfbt st ethy actay ie hen 463399226 >>463399476 >>463399806>>463399837 >>463400128 >463400572 >463401092 >>4634011004 warts to do mak usntto 463401260 >>463402252 >463402485>>463403114 >>463403494 >>463403682 >>463403795 >>4634040881 sw 463404179 >>463404302463405053 >>463405372 >463405452 >463405542 >463405685 463405816 >463405879 >>463406004 >4634006250 >>463406536 >>463406634 >>463407170>>463407194 >>463407202 Hahofor bgto tt h heteng gconatavly cenes pl >463408237 >>463408410>463408449 >>463411074 >>463411109 >463412123 >>463412876 t o grop eatnghebe do I cant be the only one who only plays video games when they have time off right? So many people my age (25) say they never have time for games, when yet it's all I have to do on my days off. whin t0 ea doet dear hy peeple ls heat wat to be uunded y rem wwdef people w e l I work full time, but on my days off if I'm not cleaning my apartment or grabbing a few groceries/food I just sit on my couch and gorge on video games for 8-10 hours on my free days. Obviously I browse 4chan and watch movies too. I also have no friends outside of family or a gf (which I'm used to and dont care anymore). How many people are like me out there? b wnatheo wwend wheeveraretM sut ngaw nw 55KIB, 720x780, 1558680183898.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO
The Broken Bloomer Anonymous Wed 18 Sep 2019 20:53:02 No.121189211 Quoted By: >>121189505 Report Title: The Broken Bloomer Starring: Ryan Gosling, Leo DiCaprio, Lady GaGa and Angelina Jolie (opening) scene opens with the main character (Ryan Gosling) laying in bed, pillow talking with the hot girl (Angelina Jolie) he had a crush on all throughout highschool. he felt like the king, he finally got the girl but she asked him 1 fatal question, "where he saw himself in 5 years" through the vulnerability of pillow talk he answered truthfully saying he wishes he would disappear and cease existing. which reflecting on turned the tide on the relationship >despite hooking up over the summer after graduation she ultimately rejects him and then begins the descent of our hero

Various Examples

The 27 Year old BLoo 113/5/?1 Anonymous Mon 01 Oct 2018 18:48:57 No.48453707 BLOOMER View Reply Original Report Quoted By: 48453918 48453928 48453994 48454005 3>48454019 It's my birthday robots. Don't really have many friends other than you guys. While I'm alone and a bit lonely, it feels nice to know I can come here and have people understand my frustrations. I hope you guys have a nice day! 95KiB, 1024x1024, 1537529084959_0.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO
The 27 Year Old Old BLOOMER He accepts his limits, doesn't let them stop him Never abandons his brothers Understands sadness is just an emotion like others and he is happy he can feel them you can do it anon let it go anon: things are going to get better Unironically believes in heroes wants to be one Knows he will make it; knows we will all make it Doesn't smoke, drugs-free He's the friend he wants to have Isn't afraid to be wrong earns from his errors Sees the better world he wants to build superimposed on the dark world around him Wants to live in the countryside works hard to get there tfw there are no problems, only minor setbacks
Anonymous Sat 22 Sep 2018 08:25:25 No.432496170 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: 33432496656 3432496793 432496951 33432497558 3432497794 3>432498127 >>432498163 The 27 Year Old BL BLOOMER 432498971432499001 33432499064 What are some games for bloomers? View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO banished jpg, 842KiB, 1920x1080 Anonymous Sat 22 Sep 2018 08:27:54 No.432496395 Report Banished 95Ків. 1024x1024, bloomer_pg View Same Google iqdb SauceNA。

The 27 Year old Anonymous Sun 07 Oct 2018 12:18:50 No.47910299 Report Quoted By: 47910398 *47910469 47910525 47910639 >47910285 SIt's cold outside so I wanted to move inside somewhere, maybe her or my place, maybe the library >she says she doesn't do that on the first night but she wants to f--- me bad she says and kisses me more >somehow I get too close to her emotionally I guess (she thinks I love her (I do now), but I was just so overwhelmed, I made these big loving eyes and smile) and she starts to get a little freaked out >we distance a bit make out some more later, she gets more freaked out, we help clean up the bar >she's distant and tells me to leave (I couldn't tell but it was already over before it really started) >so i take a taxi home, lul >next days I text her and tell her I want to see her again and talk to her, she doesn't >we have the same friends, what should I do boys? I want her to be my first one, she was so soft and sensual, I couldn't imagine any better person to take my v- card than her. She was a personified psychedelic trip. How to proceed? I already f----- it up but maybe there is some hope?
O Anonymous Wed Oct 3 23:50:53 2018 No.11285942 [Reply] [Original] Quoted by:>>11285957 >>11286092 >11286479 My portfolio is doing great guys! I'm up 60% and my dividends are almost The 27 Year Old BLOOMER metting my living expenses! My life is great! Anonymous Wed Oct 3 23:52:40 2018 No.11285957 Quoted by: >>11285989 >>11286002 >OP These memes are starting to chronicle my life what in the f---. I can easily see right now Im on a path from doomer to bloomer.

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Part of a series on Oomer Wojaks. [View Related Entries]

PROTIP: Press 'i' to view the image gallery, 'v' to view the video gallery, or 'r' to view a random entry.


Bloomer is a character spread on 4chan which represents a person with a highly optimistic outlook on life and a go-getter attitude, usually in their late 20s. The character is often used in contrast to Doomer as an example of a person who moved past an unhealthy lifestyle and depressed state by learning to love and accept themselves and finding motivation.


On September 21st, 2018, an anonymous 4chan user posted an image of a happy Wojak dressed in a blue hoodie to /pol/ board, titled "The 27 Year Old Bloomer".[1] The image contained several captions describing the character as "having an unbreakable resolve", "seeing the better worlds he wants to build" and "being loved by /ourguys/ and normies alike". In the same thread, an anonymous user posted an edited version of the original image, adding hair to the character's head.[2]

The 27 Year Old (no need for music player unbreakeable resolve or headphones) chews up blackpills, spits out whitepills doesn't smoke, drug-free peak optics, loved by lourguys/ and normies alike nostalgia motivates him a living breathing morale booster for all nearby instead of depressing him looking forward to his waifu and kids, knows he will make it love for his people far exceeds any hatred he has ever felt no problem too big to fix, has an inner well of energy turns down sex offers from women he isn't serious about sees the better world he wants to build superimposed on the dark world around him The 27 Year Old BEO BLOOMER Never abandons his brothers He accepts his limits, doesn't let them stop him Understands sadness is just an emotion like others and he is happy he can feel them syou can do it anon let it go anon: things are going to get better Unironically believes in heroes wants to be one Knows he will make it, knows we will all make it Doesn't smoke, drugs-free He's the friend he wants to have Isn't afraid to be wrong learns from his errors Sees the better world he wants to build superimposed on the dark world around him Wants to live in the countryside works hard to get there tfw there are no problems, only minor setbacks EIFFeL 65 OR BA DEE


In the following month, the original image, along with other pictures of the character, was circulated on several 4chan boards, including posts in /v/,[3] /bant/,[4] /r9k/[5] and other boards. In several posts, Bloomer ideology has been described as an opposite to "blackpilling".[9]

Anonymous Thu 11 Oct 2018 18:31:26 No.6643060 [2 The 27 Year Old BLOOMER View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >>6643061 >>6643062 >>6643064 >>6643065>>6643066 >6643067 >>6643076 >>6643091 >>6643092>>6643093 >6643095 >>6643105 >>6643107 >>6643108 >>6643110 >>6643113 >>66431176643127 >6643130>>6643134 >>66431426643144 >>6643154 >>6643158 >6643168 >>6643171 6643176 >>6643178 >6643184 6643338 6643432 >>6644224 ISIG/ Self-Improvement General >l don't understand these new memes"" edition It's been a while since I saw the last one What are you doing to make yourself and your country better today, anon? Anonymous Thu 11 Oct 2018 18:33:37 No.6643061 Quoted By: >>6643069 >>6643191 Report 95KİB, 1024x1024, 1537522563834.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO >6643060 I feel that i'm not gonna make it. The 27 Year Old BLoo OMER Anonymous Fri 21 Sep 2018 12:16:03 No.432380886 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >432380969 >432381184 >>432381606 >432381828 >432383498 Once aain, it's 3 am and I'm just getting to sleep because I played video games for 6 hours. I could have worked on the game I started creating. I could have gotten ahead on my Chomework. I could have spent more time with my kids. I could have gotten a full night's sleep and woken up feeling refreshed. I could have went to the gym to stop myself from gaining eight. I could have put together that piece of furniture thats been sitting in the corner of my , still needing to be assembled, for 2 months. I could have spent more time working on my relationship with my wife. I could have been reading some of the books that I only ever got half way through. Starting now, I will do better. I will focus on the life I have and the life I want, instead of wasting my life away, hunched over in my chair. Who's with me? Are you ready to take back 198KiB, 1024x1024, 1537504636785.jpg View Same Google igdb SauceNAOcontrol of your life? Are you ready to break your addiction? The 27 Year Old BLoOME Anonymous Fri 21 Sep 2018 10:39:03 (8/4/] No.48255568 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: *48256141 48256195 48256869 3*48257535 The weather is perfect outside. I had a cold breeze on the balcony while drinking my morning cup of coffee, then the sun on my skin as I walked to work, and now a sort of gray-ambient-cloudy-warm aura outside the window as I work in the office. I am doing very well, and expect to get promoted when I finish this project ahead of schedule. 198KiB, 1024x1024, bloomer.jpg View Same Google ImgOps idb SauceNAO The 27 Year Old BLoc Anonymous Fri 21 Sep 2018 14:24:44 No.48257497 (96/19/2] View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >48257529 *48257594 *48257663 *48258130 48258139 48258236 4825826148258271 48258301 48258324 48258544 48258650 48258702 48258890 4825895648259054 48259173 48260340 348260527 348260679 48260868 48260949 48261025 348261053 3>48264377 48264879 >48266410 348267119 >>48267797 I've never seen such a relatable meme before. It's like this was purposefully crafted to fit me. tw 22 year old bloomer 95KB. 1024x1024 1537522563834.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO

In the following months the character, appeared in several popular YouTube videos, both independently and alongside 30-Year-Old Boomer, Zoomer and Doomer. Several notable videos featuring the character were created by YouTube users Shuzzo[6] and Prince of Zimbabwe. (Video broken)[7]


On November 19th, 2018, an anonymous 4chan user posted an image titled "The 24 Year Old Go-Getter",[8] described as a person who moved on from a Doomer way of life.

The 24 Year Old DOoMER GO-GETTER enough is enough takes his health seriously what is done is done there is only forwards open to failure, ready to learn behind of the curve eager for a challenge fear is the enemy A man is the sum of his actions." HAS A PLAN at life's crossroads won't let it go to waste in control of his destiny hones his skills builds discipline

Broken Bloomer

Broken Boomer refers to a version of the Bloomer character which has experienced a large number of hardships and is questioning his resolve for self-improvement.

The exact origin of the Broken Bloomer edit is unknown, but the character is presumed to have originated outside of 4chan. On May 16th, 2019, VK group eternal classic made the earliest known repost of the image (shown below),[10] with the character also being posted on Reddit[11] and Twitter in the following days.[12]

The Broken Bloomer continues being a supporter for his frens has been betrayed so many times has serious trust issues Fakes being happy so he doesn't worry his family/friends had a taste of love and never recOvered has friends but doesn't believe they actually like him O notifications wants to do things, but makes excuses not to is afraid now Has hopes for a brighter future but has a hard time believing it gf constantly cancels plans used to have a proper eating schedule now doesn't know when to eat doesn't understand why people lie he just wants to be surrounded by frens would die for people who couldnt care less "it's no biggie, we can just hang out next hasn't hung out with friends in weeks weekend or whenever you'd like to ) Mins an anime meme nage on fh

Starting on May 24th, 2019, the character appeared in multiple threads on 4chan.[13][14]

Anonymous Sat 25 May 2019 08:52:18 No.463395730 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: >463396134 >>463396181 >>463396345>>463396408 >>463396753 >463396847 463396914 The Broken Bloomer c bngo for t b d somare ie ha secus iut s >463396962 >>463397141 >>463397191 >>463397209 >>463397320 >463397335 >4633997681 >>463397703 b ap d wry amly >463397980 >>463398195 >>463398270 >>463398697 >463398712 >463398754 >>463398810 >>4633990886 hast hfbt st ethy actay ie hen 463399226 >>463399476 >>463399806>>463399837 >>463400128 >463400572 >463401092 >>4634011004 warts to do mak usntto 463401260 >>463402252 >463402485>>463403114 >>463403494 >>463403682 >>463403795 >>4634040881 sw 463404179 >>463404302463405053 >>463405372 >463405452 >463405542 >463405685 463405816 >463405879 >>463406004 >4634006250 >>463406536 >>463406634 >>463407170>>463407194 >>463407202 Hahofor bgto tt h heteng gconatavly cenes pl >463408237 >>463408410>463408449 >>463411074 >>463411109 >463412123 >>463412876 t o grop eatnghebe do I cant be the only one who only plays video games when they have time off right? So many people my age (25) say they never have time for games, when yet it's all I have to do on my days off. whin t0 ea doet dear hy peeple ls heat wat to be uunded y rem wwdef people w e l I work full time, but on my days off if I'm not cleaning my apartment or grabbing a few groceries/food I just sit on my couch and gorge on video games for 8-10 hours on my free days. Obviously I browse 4chan and watch movies too. I also have no friends outside of family or a gf (which I'm used to and dont care anymore). How many people are like me out there? b wnatheo wwend wheeveraretM sut ngaw nw 55KIB, 720x780, 1558680183898.jpg View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO The Broken Bloomer Anonymous Wed 18 Sep 2019 20:53:02 No.121189211 Quoted By: >>121189505 Report Title: The Broken Bloomer Starring: Ryan Gosling, Leo DiCaprio, Lady GaGa and Angelina Jolie (opening) scene opens with the main character (Ryan Gosling) laying in bed, pillow talking with the hot girl (Angelina Jolie) he had a crush on all throughout highschool. he felt like the king, he finally got the girl but she asked him 1 fatal question, "where he saw himself in 5 years" through the vulnerability of pillow talk he answered truthfully saying he wishes he would disappear and cease existing. which reflecting on turned the tide on the relationship >despite hooking up over the summer after graduation she ultimately rejects him and then begins the descent of our hero

Various Examples

The 27 Year old BLoo 113/5/?1 Anonymous Mon 01 Oct 2018 18:48:57 No.48453707 BLOOMER View Reply Original Report Quoted By: 48453918 48453928 48453994 48454005 3>48454019 It's my birthday robots. Don't really have many friends other than you guys. While I'm alone and a bit lonely, it feels nice to know I can come here and have people understand my frustrations. I hope you guys have a nice day! 95KiB, 1024x1024, 1537529084959_0.jpg View Same Google ImgOps iqdb SauceNAO The 27 Year Old Old BLOOMER He accepts his limits, doesn't let them stop him Never abandons his brothers Understands sadness is just an emotion like others and he is happy he can feel them you can do it anon let it go anon: things are going to get better Unironically believes in heroes wants to be one Knows he will make it; knows we will all make it Doesn't smoke, drugs-free He's the friend he wants to have Isn't afraid to be wrong earns from his errors Sees the better world he wants to build superimposed on the dark world around him Wants to live in the countryside works hard to get there tfw there are no problems, only minor setbacks Anonymous Sat 22 Sep 2018 08:25:25 No.432496170 View Reply Original Report Quoted By: 33432496656 3432496793 432496951 33432497558 3432497794 3>432498127 >>432498163 The 27 Year Old BL BLOOMER 432498971432499001 33432499064 What are some games for bloomers? View Same Google iqdb SauceNAO banished jpg, 842KiB, 1920x1080 Anonymous Sat 22 Sep 2018 08:27:54 No.432496395 Report Banished 95Ків. 1024x1024, bloomer_pg View Same Google iqdb SauceNA。
The 27 Year old Anonymous Sun 07 Oct 2018 12:18:50 No.47910299 Report Quoted By: 47910398 *47910469 47910525 47910639 >47910285 SIt's cold outside so I wanted to move inside somewhere, maybe her or my place, maybe the library >she says she doesn't do that on the first night but she wants to f--- me bad she says and kisses me more >somehow I get too close to her emotionally I guess (she thinks I love her (I do now), but I was just so overwhelmed, I made these big loving eyes and smile) and she starts to get a little freaked out >we distance a bit make out some more later, she gets more freaked out, we help clean up the bar >she's distant and tells me to leave (I couldn't tell but it was already over before it really started) >so i take a taxi home, lul >next days I text her and tell her I want to see her again and talk to her, she doesn't >we have the same friends, what should I do boys? I want her to be my first one, she was so soft and sensual, I couldn't imagine any better person to take my v- card than her. She was a personified psychedelic trip. How to proceed? I already f----- it up but maybe there is some hope? O Anonymous Wed Oct 3 23:50:53 2018 No.11285942 [Reply] [Original] Quoted by:>>11285957 >>11286092 >11286479 My portfolio is doing great guys! I'm up 60% and my dividends are almost The 27 Year Old BLOOMER metting my living expenses! My life is great! Anonymous Wed Oct 3 23:52:40 2018 No.11285957 Quoted by: >>11285989 >>11286002 >OP These memes are starting to chronicle my life what in the f---. I can easily see right now Im on a path from doomer to bloomer.

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